Fingers as cold as ice… as they stroke her rosy cheeks,
Deep in thought, the woman stands,
Pensive, she tries tries to remember, as
Questions surface,
What is her name?
Who is she?
The pensive woman’s slender lips crinkle as she purses them together.
Looking like a raisin.
Without her knowing, years pass
Her stalky body turns slim
And her skeleton frail
Bones, the only thing keeping her standing
Her muscles lighten their tone
Her once ocky body is now just her heart.
Resting peacefully as she has powered through her time…
She lays before me
All that remains is a layer of skin meticulously draped, over her stiff skeleton
And that was the last time I would ever see her
Goodbye grandmother….

So talented.🤿🖤
I just read a piece in the news about all the elders who are passing away alone, particularly in Italy. It was from the perspective of the generation who is losing their parents and grandparents to COVID19 and touched on how their absence at such a crucial moment stunts the grieving and mourning process for them. I also never got to say goodbye to my own grandmother, who died suddenly and all alone a few years ago. You write with such precision about how important that moment is, the juxtaposition of a conclusion of suffering and culmination of a beautiful life, memorialized and kept alive. This piece is so delicate and candid. It made me ache for that moment, ache…
Thank you Sean... i'm blushing. i chose the picture because our grandmother loved to see planes flying in the sky
That was really powerful Maya, I love it... Thank you for sharing... Why that picture?